
Lower The Bar/Raise The Bar

by David LaPlantz ·

There is always rectoric about raising the bar for education or whatever cause the politicians’ think will fool the citizens once again. After thinking about the “limbo” dance and the limbo bar that plays an important elimination role, has anyone noticed that the “limbo bar” seems to get lower and lower every year with more and deeper political scandals?

I can’t quite understand, with the limbo bar going lower and lower, why don’t those criminals with money (read politicians) never get what they deserve (read jail time) but rather get fatter wallets? “Limbo lower now, how low can you go?”

Stop the politicians “limbo” dance and raise the bar on honesty, integrity and demand a clear and visable conscience effort to work for the citizens rather than the black curtain, puppet masters. Pull the strings out of their blood soaked, greedy hands!

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