Musical Chairs Anyone?
by David LaPlantz ·
In Will Pryce’s book, Buildings in Wood (Rizzoli, 2005), a fabulous passage popped off page 39 and is riveted in my head! “This would halt the perpetual cycle of death and life, much like turning off the music in musical chairs.”
Some questions:
What would happen if we turned ‘off’ the music? What is the music? What are the ‘chairs’ in life? What does each individual chair represent to the public in general? What does each individual chair represent in your life?
Would your life be different if you listened to to music, but ignored the musical chairs? The music and the musical chairs are analogous to what part(s) of our lives?
This book is fabulous for anyone interested in how structures in wood are built and learning about life and living structures throughout the world! Check it out! The color plates are superb.