
“Sandwich Suitcase” Adventures

by David LaPlantz ·

Opening the old and musty smelling cigar box was like a trip into another plane of existence. The objects had all spent more than two lifetimes of handling and childhood/adult abuse. They each held memories and stories that only Umberto knew and some only his Grandfather J. J. could have known.

J. J. had been a mail man (sorting mail) on the trains from Toledo to Chicago, then Chicago to points East like Philadelphia and New York City. Grandma used to pack him a suitcase full of sandwiches, along with some clothes. Can you imagine?

The objects held magical powers, for each would help to call up a story or memory of a time that was slower and more contemplative that now. Can you imagine?

Stay Tuned, more to follow.

Can you hear the whistle blowing?       All Aboard!!!!!!!!!!!!

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