
?Gigantic Shell-Game?

by David LaPlantz ·

Can the orange or any other color umbrella continue to protect humanity? Have you ever wondered about the gigantic shell-game that floats over all of us? The shell-game has many disguises: nuclear power (energy), Wall Street, financial investments and anything else which seems to be supporting humanity.

It would seem that all of these entities are barely hanging on and hoping, gambling (with our money) that the stuff never hits the fan. The systems are as phony as the ever moving, three shells with the supposed pea residing under one of the shells. Perhaps humanity needs to look under all three shells and conclude for ourselves about the reality of the game. The tsunami and nuclear power plant meltdown in Japan is a perfect example. The fan is being hit with the stuff of the shell-game and the players are being exposed for what they are, con men & con women.

There is no evidence of  radiation, so they say. The truth or more shell-game sleight of hand or slip of the lip? What’s it matter, dead is dead, radiation is still radiation, whether we are told the air is safe from radiation. Hiss, hiss…… Does anyone know the definition of the ‘truth?’

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