by David LaPlantz ·
David LaPlantz
“Rock Music Series” Brooch
Title: Dylan’s lyrics changed the entire conversation: “Like a Rolling Stone.”
Fabricated industrially painted aluminum, real dime, engraved and cold connected
2” diameter, originally created in 2007.
© David LaPlantz, 2007 and 2017.
Below = art brooch imagery info.
Upper left quadrant:
“Exchanging all precious gifts
But you better take your diamond ring, you better pawn it babe”
(3 balls in old pawn shop signs)
Lower left quadrant:
“Once upon a time you dressed so fine
Threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn’t you?”
(Real dime, obvious reference)
Upper right quadrant:
“How does it feel, how does it feel?
To be without a home
Like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone”
(Home image and no direction towards home!)
Lower right quadrant:
“Ain’t it hard when you discovered that
He really wasn’t where it’s at”
(Open box with message, “AT”)
Lower left and right quadrants:
Stitch lines, signify how well Dylans’ lyrics were sewn together.