David’s Vegetable Ivory (Tagua Nut) Earrings
by David LaPlantz ·
David’s Vegetable Ivory (Tagua Nut) Earrings.
©David LaPlantz, 2011.All of these earrings adorn David’s ears, off and on, from day to day and have posts.
These fabricated earrings are from vegetable ivory or tagua nut which comes from South America’s, Phylelephas palm trees.
©David LaPlantz, 2011.All of these earrings adorn David’s ears, off and on, from day to day and have posts.
These fabricated earrings are from vegetable ivory or tagua nut which comes from South America’s, Phylelephas palm trees.
For scale, the right front, round earring is 1/2″ in diameter, while the heart shaped earring in row three, at the right is 3/4″ long.
Unlike animal ivory, no has to die to create these wearables!
Unlike animal ivory, no has to die to create these wearables!
Imagine that?