FroM RougH SketcH 2 FruiTioN, “(CrEaTive) Lights OUT” and “Woof” Brooches
by David LaPlantz ·
As seen earlier, the two rough sketches come to fruition. It is rather exciting to find an idea that suits David’s fancy and then to be able to realize it, to his satisfaction. Ideas, like we all know are one thing. But, when we try to realize them, the ideas sometimes never live up to the initial, mind preview and paper sketch. This time he was fortunate in the final outcome. Life, creativity and the work often play miracles like the angel’s harps…
Both brooches, “(CrEaTive) Lights OUT” and “Woof,” 2″ diameter, from fabricated industrially painted aluminum, engraved & cold connected. © David LaPlantz and The Angel’s Harp, Bench Creations, 2013.