As Easy As One/Two/Three-yeah, so it looks…
by David LaPlantz ·
A curious thing happens in creating wearable art. What may appear to others as easy, is in fact a journey of wonder, questioning, potential failure, agony and maybe a triumph. Emphasis should always be on the “maybe.” What may appear, in the creator’s mind, to be a fabulous idea, when brought to fruition may just be a loser. In this particular case, the final wearable turned out much better than the initial flash of joltofelectrodes.
As Easy As One/Two/Three-yeah, so it looks…. All brooches in the 2 to 2/14″ diameter, fabricated industrially painted aluminum, engraved and otherwise cold connected. © David LaPlantz and Have A Heart, Bench Pin Creations, 2014.