
“3 1/2Ovavs” Brooch

by David LaPlantz ·

The brisk cold winter wind pushed the cold air from east to west, west to east and all around. Some days it seemed the cold would eat us and spit us back out with never a consideration that the humans counted for anything in this world. Perhaps the cold was correct in this evaluation. We’ve not paid heed to the nature of this place. We’ve not taken care when we should. Taking everything for granted, as if everything will always be here, will feed us and nurture us seems a motto of some humans. There are some smart folks who know what respect and love are all about. They love their home and protect it, or try to protect the earth from those scaves who are hell bent on destroying the elements for a buck, a peso, a euro or a franc.

“3 1/2Ovavs” Brooch. 2″ diameter, fabricated industrially painted aluminum, engraved * cold connected. © David LaPlantz and Save the Place, Bench Pin Creations, 2014.

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