
“TwinsWithAttitude” Brooches

by David LaPlantz ·

Every day, when David sits down at his bench, he wonders what will emerge from a pile of tools, metal and his imagination. Some days are better than others. One cannot be hot every day. Some days he wishes he could start over, yet by pushing just abit harder, a breakthrough just might and (often) occurs. With these two particular brooches, David went some where else. He arrived at a crossroads he had not anticipated. Other pieces from last week wanted to be explored more, but were not to be. These two emerged and what you see is what grew out of the wondering/wandering that surprises any artist, as we work through our demons and dreams.

“TwinsWithAttitude” Brooches. Both brooches = 2″ diameter, fabricated industrially painted aluminum, pierced, punched engraved & cold connected. © David LaPlantz and The Try Harder, Bench Pin Creators, 2014.

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