Grosso Modo
by David LaPlantz ·
By the looks of world, national and local events coupled with continued humanity indifference, we are really in deep “Grosso Modo!”
LatinĀ grosso modo meansĀ “in a rough way” or “in the rough way”.
Yes, “in a rough way” because we the people have allowed and are allowing criminals with $ to run (ruin) our civilization, our lives, our so-called democracies. In the balance, these criminals are also destroying & killing our planet along with our collective spirit.
It is time to say,” Enough is enough,” and put ’em where they belong. How about that lovely Guantanamo Bay Spa with the bright orange, single breasted, zip up jump suits? I’ll bet the current residents would enjoy some new playmates! Perhaps then the criminals with $ might come to understand the true meaning of “Grosso Modo!”