
Ink Blot, Watercolor Memories

by David LaPlantz ·

The bare feet softy negotiated the creaky steps to the attic

In the corner, an old dusty steamer wardrobe trunk stood as if waiting for this moment

The steamer trunk was once Marian Davies

As the two side by side doors were gently opened
she saw the fur coat she wore when they had just met
Thoughts and memories flooded her mind,
The Prospective Arch, a kiss, flowers on her bed
It all seemed like a dream, had it all ever really happened?
He had departed after closing out his career
He always said he’d quit before he became bitter
They thought they’d have many more years together
That was not meant to be
White ash in a protective container was all that remained
In a drawer in the trunk was a old, faded and torn letter,
written about an event that seemed light years away
She would have been 41 years old in a day or two
The alphabetic procedure ended her life
What would her life have been like?
So many thoughts and emotions flooded the paper as the ink
laid out the story in tears, questions and perpetual wondering
Over the years, they had both written down their thoughts of so long ago
As her tears blotted the ink with watercolor images,
her long fingers seemed to reach back in time
Nothing could be changed, though she wished…
She was all alone
Left only with a damp piece of paper and watercolor memories

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