
“War Candle Yellow” Brooch

by David LaPlantz ·

War Candle Yellow…

A proposition, nothing new, you’ve probably thought about it like David.

All D.C. elected officials, regardless of age and gender, must serve in the front lines of any war. They must be in the front, leading as all true leaders do. The period of service to be for 6-8 months on rotation.That includes the President. If something happens to the President, we have a built in succession, so there is a “next in command” already in place. If an elected official believes in war, then their service in the front lines will allow their patriotic beliefs to be properly displayed. We could call this Constitutional Amendment – War Candle Yellow and it is certain the truly patriotic elected will sweep it to pass, under a groundswell of support from the people.

Truly an idea, whose time has come……. Let’s all get behind the write-in campaign, War Candle Yellow.

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