BreakThroughs Art
by David LaPlantz ·
“Twisting by the Pool” Brooch (right side) – homage to Mark Knopfler/Dire Straits fame plus the all-red (going4broke) “Easy2BeHard” Brooch. Once in a while, every 3-4 weeks, David creates a piece or two that really sail/makes his soul resonate and truly say what he wants to say emotionally & visually. It matters little if others like or dislike the work, but more how & what he feels inside. It is like a spine tingling piece of music that burns…… These two have made the next step up… One can only wonder if the ‘higher than a kite feeling’ will continue with the next works or submerge just below the surface? Time and patience will have the say and potential response.
BreakThroughs Art. Two brooches, 2″ diameter, fabricated industrially painted aluminum, engraved & cold connected. © David LaPlantz, 2012.