Archive for the ‘David LaPlantz’ Category


“One Out, Two On Top” Brooch

by David LaPlantz ·

In the quest of the “Threes” one is removed and two more are placed on top. The never ending “Three Pursuit” can lead to glorious, yet sometimes perplexing revelations as the personal and societal navigations open more than a can of worms. Be careful what you wish for, because that which we seek may not be what we wish to find. So, open with care, observe with discretion and proceed with caution, lest the yellow tape barriers be the warning sign, we need to heed.

“One Out, Two On Top” Brooch. 2″ diameter, fabricated industrially painted aluminum, engraved & cold connected. © David LaPlantz and the Close Observation Bench Study Group, 2013.



“Time/Travel/Mystery” Brooch

by David LaPlantz ·

When do you think about time/space/inner space/outer space and given space? We each inhabit many different times and spaces in a given time period. The space we take up is either used for good or some other descriptive word/phrase. Today just may be the day to improve the time/space use for positive and long lasting paying forward. Are you ready to take that leap of faith? It is time to decide…

“Time/Travel/Mystery” Brooch. 2″ diameter, fabricated industrially painted aluminum, engraved & cold connected. © David LaPlantz & “Into the Mystic” Bench Creations, 2013.


“LighteninGStrikeSAgaiN (Thanks LOU) Brooch

by David LaPlantz ·

When lightening strikes, the soul is stirred and shaken. The excitement can linger and the aftereffects create a burning desire for more. The weather, the electricity and passion leads down a lovely road to heaven and hell.

“LighteninGStrikeSAgaiN (Thanks LOU) Brooch. 2″ diameter, fabricated industrially painted aluminum, engraved & cold connected. © David LaPlantz & the Juice Flow Bench Creation Group, 2013.


“Mark’s Mark” Brooch

by David LaPlantz ·

As the wind worked its way through the desert environment, every loose tumbleweed from the west migrated towards the east in a quick hurry. As the daylight came to pass, the people saw the journey marks made by the weed as they slid over the dry earth. It would seem that all of nature has its own way of making its mark. Its too bad humans can’t leave better (we were here) marks. Let’s try again, huh?

“Mark’s Mark” Brooch. 2″ diaeter, fabricated industrially painted aluminum, engraved & cold connected.  © David LaPlantz and Scratch n’ Sniff Bench Creations, 2013.


“Trial Balloons” (SkYReD) Brooch

by David LaPlantz ·

Trial Balloons with the ReDSkY, oh yeah, sailors’ delight. The red sky shielded one of the trial balloons, thus in the area of floating a concept, one idea was lost to the elements. In other words, it’s best to float trial balloons with a contrasting sky. Otherwise the people you are trying to convince will be perplexed and dumbfounded as to your veracity. Comprender?

“Trial Balloons” (SkYReD) Brooch. 2 1/8″ diameter, fabricated industrially painted aluminum, engraved & cold connected. © David LaPlantz and Dead Snails In My Sunsuit Bench Creations, 2013.


“Dragon Re-Dux” Brooch

by David LaPlantz ·

The writing is on the wall. The fire breathing continues and the land is scorched. Katie bar the door! Watch out…

“Dragon Re-Dux” Brooch. 2″ diameter, fabricated industrially painted aluminum, engraved & cold connected. David LaPlantz and St. George – Bench Creations, 2013.


“Trial Balloons/LessTalk, MoreAction” Brooch

by David LaPlantz ·

Politicians do, birds do it, “Let’s fall in love…” Whoops, wrong phrase, sorry. When one wishes to float an idea or a proposal, we suddenly see multicolor balloons blown up, tie strings attached with curious knots and lotsa hot air. Perhaps you have a close friend or loved one who floats trial gallons to get a rise outta you? Do You? How about the politicians who jabber and blow hot about something to see if the crowd reacts. What’s in your mental and verbal, blown up – trial balloon?

“Trial Balloons/LessTalk, MoreAction” Brooch. 2 1/8″ diameter, fabricated industrially painted aluminum, engraved & cold connected with thread. © David LaPlantz & The Hot Air Compress, Bench Creations, 2013.


“ThreE KingS RaiN” Brooches

by David LaPlantz ·

The Three Kings waltzed into the room. Everyone acknowledged them either with a smirk or a smile. The Kings noticed and the smilers walked out unharmed. Theothers,wellyoucanguesstheirfate.

“ThreE KingS RaiN” Brooches. All three brooches 2″ diameter except far right which = 2″ X 2 1/4.” Fabricated industrially painted aluminum, engraved & cold connected. © David LaPlantz & Tall Lady Creations, 2013.


“Edge Waves/Waves Edge” Brooch

by David LaPlantz ·

The “edge waves” and the inherent natural signals tell us what the next chapter might be. Stay alert, to see if your guess comes true.

“Edge Waves/Waves Edge” Brooch. 2″ 2 1/4.” Fabricated industrially painted aluminum, engraved & cold connected. © David LaPlantz, Wet Sand and Chaos Bench Creations, 2013.



“Rain Up/Rain Down” Brooch

by David LaPlantz ·

Whether vertical, horizontal or any other slanted direction the life giving rain feeds, washes clean, refreshes and inspires the soul. The earth grows, the soul vibrates and our lives are enriched by the moisture from on high. How fortunate we are! The lone figure concentrates on you…

“Rain Up/Rain Down” Brooch. 2″ diameter, fabricated industrially painted aluminum, engraved & cold connected. © David LaPlantz and the Moisture Twins with Chaos Bench Creations, 2013.