Archive for the ‘David LaPlantz’ Category


Artners Gallery Represents David LaPlantz Jewelry

by David LaPlantz ·


David’s colorful and narrative, modern art jewelry is now being represented by Artners Gallery @

Please visit Artners Gallery and see the fabulous and creative selection of jewelry and jewelry artists represented!

All jewelry shown: © David LaPlantz, 2014.


“RedBlack/Mesh” Broochos

by David LaPlantz ·

“RedBlack/Mesh” Broochos

Red told Black, “Let’s merge and show the Blanko that such a simple action can take place with positive results.” Black replied, “Amen!”

“RedBlack/Mesh” Broochos. 2″ roundos, fabricated industrially painted aluminum & fabric mesh, sterling silver rivets, hydraulically formed, pierced and cold connected. © David LaPlantz, 2014.


“Seeds” Broochos

by David LaPlantz ·

“Seeds” Broochos (White ‘n Red Versions)

Seeds provide and nourish. Seeds are the beginning, the start, the lovely way we (all nature) begin our lives. After that, nature takes its own course and events plus environments mold the outcome.

“Seeds” Broochos. 2″ roundos, fabricated industrially painted aluminum, hydraulically formed, pierced and engraved, cold connected. © David LaPlantz, 2014.


“Teeth/Beak” Broochos

by David LaPlantz ·

“Teeth/Beak” Broochos
In the lush green, tree lined background, the toucan laughed as she saw a ‘wannabe.’ Certain types of beauty can’t always be reached by ‘wannabes.’ Be happy with what Ya got.
Teeth/Beak” Broochos. 2″ roundos, fabricated industrially painted aluminum, hydraulically formed, pierced and engraved, cold connected. © David LaPlantz, 2014.

“Peck’sBadBoyz” Broochos Suite

by David LaPlantz ·

“Peck’sBadBoyz” In LimboLowerMode
(How low can you go?)

Each Roundos Broochos = 2″ roundo, fabricated industrially painted aluminum, hydraulically formed, pierced and engraved, cold connected. © David LaPlantz, 2014.


“3-17” Broocho

by David LaPlantz ·

“3-17” Broocho
While walking through the back pages, certain times, places and people who once were came to life again. As seen in hindsight, we are reminded of who were are, how we got to this exact point and time and why we are, who we are. Thanks to all of the known and unknown mentors who gave us their lives along the way to forming the clay of today.

“3-17” Broocho. 2″ roundos, fabricated industrially painted aluminum, hydraulically formed, pierced and engraved, cold connected. © David LaPlantz, 2014.


“Next?” Broocho

by David LaPlantz ·

“Next?” Broocho
Always the query, what’s next? Where does the heart and footfall surface take us? New, different, but maybe just similar? Time always tells us about ourselves in hindsight.

“Next?” Broocho. 2″ roundos, fabricated industrially painted aluminum, formed, pierced and engraved, cold connected. © David LaPlantz, 2014.


“Peck, Peck” Roundos Broocho

by David LaPlantz ·

“Peck, Peck” Broocho
In the afternoon the note was misread, maybe typing would have been better than hand written?
Hiatus return, with a vengeance. Time to ride that saddle and create like hell.

“Peck, Peck” Broocho. 2″ roundos, fabricated industrially painted aluminum, formed, pierced and engraved, cold connected. © David LaPlantz, 2014. Yipee!


by David LaPlantz ·


Back to basics, simple, playful and free of coupons, what?
Fabricated grid mesh. 2 1/2″ longo X 1 1/8″wideo X 7/8″ deepo. © David LaPlantz, 2014.



by David LaPlantz ·

For someone special who used to say, “Scrinsh it!”
2 1/4″ longo X 1 1/4″ wideo X 1 1/8″ deepo. © David LaPlantz, 2014.