Remembering Shereen

Shereen LaPlantz

Photographs of Shereen LaPlantz

Gallery commands:
“SL” button starts the Slideshow.
“FS” button displays gallery in Full Screen mode.
“i” button displays the text description.

Dear People Shereen Wrote:

“Dear People” was the way Shereen started every communication she sent to her book artist friends and her general business mailing list. I felt it appropriate to begin this segment with Shereen’s words. Shereen is talking through me. She made her final transition on September 11, 2003 at 4:15 PM. Four and one half years on the cancer journey can to an end. She had fought the fight valiantly, but her body could not go on. Her spirit, however, will live on forever in her art endless contributions to society: whether weaving, basketry, teaching book arts workshops, telephone conversations, the books she wrote or any other activity that revolved around art and her incredible life as the consulate artist. Many of you were either touched by Shereen or you influenced/touched her. As I tap away on the keys, I can  hear Shereen communicating through my words..


Let me tell you some things — Shereen was not in pain at the end. She made her transition quietly and peacefully. Shereen was cremated on Tuesday of the next week. A lock of her hair and her ashes were delivered to me the next week.

Every year, on the anniversary of her final transition, at the exact time of her death, I carefully scatter a small portion of her ashes around a huge rock on my New Mexico property that I know Shereen would have loved to sit upon and survey her vast New Mexico, high desert landscape.


I feel Shereen is directing a Book Arts Class in another dimension right now and telling wonderful stories and relating all of the facts and vast information stored in her beautiful head. Live your lives in her spirit. Make great and inspirational art books. Delve into topics that stretch your heads, hearts and imaginations, as Shereen would demand. Don’t cop out! Be all and more of the artist you can and will be. Push those binding possibilities to the limit, make fun fold outs, pop ups, whatever and do it in the spirit of love and devotion for an artist who really gave her all. Shereen’s spirit is always present and guiding us in ways, we cannot imagine.

Love and Smiles,


Music: “Near The Soul Plane” (Michael Hall) Copyright © 2008 Michael Hall. Used with permission.